Green Cuisine Chicken-Free Dipper Ultimate Sandwich

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5 Birds Eye Chicken-Free Dippers
3 leaves of Little Gem Lettuce
1 Salad Tomato
3 sliced Jalapenos
¼ Cucumber
1 TBSP Olive Oil
Pinch of Seasoning (Salt and Pepper)
1 TBSP Balsamic Vinegar
2 slices of Brown Wholemeal Bread

Our method

  1. Lay the prepared Little Gem leaves onto a slice of wholemeal bread.

  2. Follow the Birds Eye Chicken-Free Dipper cooking instructions on the back of the pack.

  3. Cut the cucumber and tomato in half-length ways and remove the seeds from the tomato.

  4. Finely dice the cucumber, tomato and jalapenos into a bowl add the olive oil and balsamic vinegar and mix through.

  5. Add the cucumber and tomato salsa on top of the Leaves.

  6. Place the cooked Chicken-Free Dippers on top of the salsa. Season to taste.

  7. Carefully place the slice of wholemeal bread on the top and cut corner to corner and serve.

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